Top 11 Tools for Microservices Backend Development in 2023

Revolutionize your Microservices with our Top 11 Backend Development Tools in 2023!

Lahiru Hewawasam
Python in Plain English



In 2023, microservices architecture has become famous for breaking complex applications into more manageable services. However, managing microservices is a challenging task. You must adopt specific tools to ensure your development workflow is as effective as possible.

Hence, this article presents the top 11 backend microservices development tools for 2023, discussing their essential features, common use cases, and how they aid developers in building and managing microservices-based applications. Whether you’re an experienced microservices developer or a newcomer, this article provides valuable insights into the top tools for the microservices development toolkit.

1. Helios

Helios is a well-known developer-first observability platform that enables teams to obtain actionable insights into the application flow from start to finish by incorporating OpenTelemetry’s context propagation framework to provide visibility across microservices, serverless functions, databases, and third-party APIs.

Key Features

  1. End-to-end application visibility: Helios provides visibility by correlating traces with logs and metrics. This enables development and operations teams to quickly identify the root cause of problems and take corrective action.
  2. Multi-language support: Supports various languages and frameworks, including Python, Node.js, Java, Ruby,.NET, Go, and C++.
  3. Visualization: Allows users to gather and visualize trace data from multiple data sources to drill down and troubleshoot potential problems.
  4. Collaboration: Helios enables teams to work together by allowing them to share traces, logs, and metrics with other team members. This speeds up troubleshooting and ensures that everyone on the team works with the same data.
  5. Simple integrations: Works with your existing ecosystem to integrate logs, tests, error monitoring, and more.

👉 Check out the official documentation to know more

Popular Use Cases

  1. Distributed tracing
  2. Serverless application observability
  3. Performance optimization
  4. Application troubleshooting

→ Get started for free

2. Sentry

Sentry is an open-source, developer-first error-tracking and performance-monitoring platform enabling teams to identify and fix application issues. The platforms allow users to track errors across multiple environments on various programming languages and frameworks.

Key Features

  1. Flexible hosting options: Sentry’s platform can be self-hosted or used as a cloud service, giving teams of all sizes flexibility and scalability.
  2. Real-time error tracking: The platform monitors application errors and exceptions, enabling developers to identify and diagnose problems quickly.
  3. Multi-language support: Sentry supports various programming languages and frameworks, including Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Laravel, React, and more.
  4. Alerting: The platform is capable of creating and maintaining alerts to enable real-time visibility into issues that affect the user experience
  5. Integrations: Sentry integrates with several third-party tools and services, including GitHub, JIRA, and others.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Error tracking and reporting
  2. Performance monitoring
  3. Alerting and notification

3. Istio

Istio is an open-source service mesh platform that gives teams extensive tools and capabilities for managing and securing microservices architectures. This tool is designed to assist in deploying large-scale, distributed applications, particularly those based on microservices architecture. At its core, the tool provides traffic management, security, and observability features for microservices.

Key Features

  1. Traffic Management: Istio includes powerful tools for managing traffic between microservices. It contains advanced traffic routing, load balancing, and fault tolerance features, enabling teams to create resilient and highly available microservices architectures.
  2. Security: Istio’s security features for microservices are robust, including mutual TLS encryption, identity and access management, and policy enforcement. This makes it simple for teams to secure microservices and safeguard sensitive data.
  3. Policy Enforcement: It enables teams to define and enforce policies for traffic routing, security, and other aspects of microservices management. This ensures that microservices architectures adhere to organizational policies.
  4. Observability: The tool offers comprehensive features like distributed tracing, logging, and metrics collection. This gives developers visibility into their microservices’ performance and behaviour, making identifying and diagnosing problems easier.
  5. Platform Integration: It integrates with various container platforms, including Kubernetes. This makes it simple for teams to integrate Istio with their container infrastructure.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Service mesh
  2. Canary deployments
  3. Hybrid cloud deployment

4. Kong

Kong is a cloud-native API gateway and service mesh that is open source and allows developers to create and manage APIs and microservices. It includes features for managing the entire lifecycle of APIs, such as traffic management, security, and analytics, including a developer portal. Kong is built on the popular Nginx web server and can be extended with plugins to add new features.

Key Features

  1. API Gateway: Kong serves as an API gateway, managing all incoming and outgoing API traffic and as a single entry point for all APIs.
  2. Traffic Management: The platform provides various traffic management features, such as load balancing, routing, and service discovery, allowing developers to create highly available and scalable APIs.
  3. Security: To assist developers in securing their APIs and protecting sensitive data, Kong offers several security features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting. It also helps teams to adopt a zero-trust approach to security.
  4. Developer Portal: Kong provides a portal that allows developers to discover and consume APIs, making it easier to build API-consuming applications.
  5. Service Mesh: The platform can be used as a service mesh to manage microservices architecture, providing features such as traffic management, security, and observability that allow developers to build and deploy scalable and reliable distributed applications.

Popular Use Cases

  1. API Gateway
  2. Cloud-Native Applications
  3. Legacy Systems Integration

5. Docker

Docker is a popular containerization platform that enables developers to easily create, deploy, and run containerized applications. Containers are self-contained environments that package all of the dependencies, libraries, and configuration files required to run an application. This approach allows developers to package their applications in containers and run them on any platform or cloud without fear of incompatibility.

Key Features

  1. Containerization: Docker enables developers to package their applications in containers, which are lightweight, portable, and self-contained environments. This allows applications to run on any platform or cloud without fear of incompatibility.
  2. Image management: Docker Hub is a centralized location for storing and sharing Docker images. It is simple for developers to search and download images, as well as share their own images for others to use.
  3. Networking: The tool provides a networking model that enables containers to communicate with one another and the outside world. This simplifies the development of distributed applications that run in multiple containers.
  4. Volume Management: Docker provides a volume management system that allows developers to store and share data between containers and the host system.
  5. Security: The tool includes several security features, such as user namespace isolation, resource constraints, and a read-only file system. This helps to keep containers safe and isolated from one another and the host system.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Containerized applications
  2. DevOps
  3. Continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD)

6. Consul

Consul is a popular tool in microservices backend development for service discovery and configuration management. It is intended to simplify distributed application deployment and management by providing a centralized registry of services and a system for managing their configurations.

Key Features

  1. Service Discovery: Consul provides a centralized registry of services that other services can use to discover and communicate with one another. This enables dynamic scaling and load balancing of services and simplified microservice deployment and management.
  2. Service Health Checking: The tool provides a system for monitoring the health of services and removing them from the registry automatically if they fail. This helps to ensure that only healthy services are used by other services, improving the system’s overall reliability and performance.
  3. Key-value Store: Consul comes with a distributed key-value store for storing configuration data and other metadata and runtime information. This enables simple configuration management across distributed systems and dynamic configuration updates without the need for manual intervention.
  4. Secure Service Communication: The tool provides a system for securing service communication using TLS certificates, which aids in the prevention of unauthorized access and data breaches.
  5. Traffic Management: Consul supports advanced traffic management and routing features like load balancing, circuit breaking, and request routing based on service characteristics.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Service discovery and registration
  2. Configuration management
  3. Load balancing and routing

7. Kafka

Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform to build real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It is intended to handle large amounts of data in real-time and provides a highly scalable, fault-tolerant, and long-lasting messaging system for processing data streams.

Key Features

  1. Scalability: Kafka can handle large amounts of data and scale horizontally across multiple servers/instances.
  2. Fault-tolerance: The tool is built to be highly fault-tolerant, with replication and failover mechanisms built in to ensure data availability.
  3. Real-time Processing: Kafka enables real-time data processing, allowing applications to respond to events as they happen.
  4. Security: To ensure data privacy and prevent unauthorized access, Kafka includes robust security features such as authentication, encryption, and authorization.
  5. Low Latency: Kafka offers low latency messaging capabilities, allowing applications to respond to events quickly.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Event-driven architectures
  2. Data pipelines
  3. Machine learning

8. Postman

Postman is a popular API development tool for building, testing, and documenting APIs. It offers a user-friendly interface for developers to create and test API requests, with features like request building, response testing, and API testing workflow automation.

Key Features

  1. API Request Building: Postman provides an easy-to-use interface for creating API requests, supporting various HTTP methods, request headers, request body types, and authentication methods.
  2. Response Testing: With features like response assertions, response time tracking, and response comparison, Postman allows developers to test API responses.
  3. API Documentation: Postman includes tools for creating API documentation, making it easier for developers to understand and use APIs.
  4. Mock Servers: The tool allows developers to create mock servers that simulate API responses, making testing and developing APIs easier.
  5. Collaboration: Postman enables API development teams to collaborate by sharing collections, environments, and test results, making it easier for teams to collaborate while also ensuring the quality of their APIs.

Popular Use Cases

  1. API testing
  2. Mock servers
  3. API Documentation

9. TablePlus

TablePlus is a modern database management tool with an easy-to-use user interface for managing various types of databases. It intends to make database work faster and more efficient for developers and administrators.

Key Features

  1. Muti-platform Support: TablePlus is available for macOS, Windows, and Linux.
  2. Support for Multiple Databases: The tool supports many relational databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQLite, and others.
  3. Advanced-Data Filtering: The tool includes advanced filtering options that enable users to quickly filter and locate the data they seek.
  4. Code Editor: TablePlus includes a built-in code editor with syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and other features that simplify writing and editing SQL queries.
  5. Intuitive UI: The tool’s interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to manage their databases easily.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Database management
  2. Querying and analysis

10. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

Microsoft’s VS Code is a source-code editor for Windows, Linux, and macOS that enables debugging, embedded Git control, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.

Key Features

  1. Source Control Integration: Integrating VSCode with Git allows developers to manage their source code repositories directly from the editor.
  2. Extension Support: The editor supports extensions that add functionality to various languages, frameworks, and development workflows.
  3. Code Debugging Support: VSCode has an integrated debugger that supports multiple programming languages and allows developers to debug their code easily.
  4. Integrated Terminal: The integrated terminal in VS Code will enable developers to run shell commands and scripts without leaving the editor.
  5. Syntax Highlighting and Code Completion: VS Code offers intelligent code completion for various programming languages, allowing developers to write code faster and with fewer errors.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Code editing
  2. Debugging

11. gRPC

Google’s gRPC is an open-source, high-performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework that supports communication between client and server applications through efficient binary serialization, making it ideal for microservices architectures and highly scalable systems.

Key Features

  1. Language Independence: gRPC supports multiple programming languages such as but not limited to Java, C++, Node, Python, and PHP, allowing developers to use the language of their choice.
  2. Platform Independence: The framework can be used on any platform or device, from smartphones to servers.
  3. Interoperability: It is simple to integrate with existing systems since it can be used with other APIs and services.
  4. Rich Payload Support: gRPC supports various data formats, including Protocol Buffers, which can reduce network traffic and improve performance.
  5. Security: Because gRPC supports encryption and authentication, it is a safe option for distributed systems.

Popular Use Cases

  1. Service-to-service communication
  2. Distributed systems
  3. Cloud-native applications


This article reviewed the top 11 tools for backend microservices development, ranging from observability platforms like Helios to microservices frameworks like gRPC.

These tools offer unique features that cater to different microservices development needs, allowing developers to build and manage microservices-based applications at scale without much effort, making them a valuable resource for experienced and new developers alike.

I hope that you have found this article helpful. Thank you for reading.

