Supercharge Your Python Coding Productivity with These Must-Have VS Code Extensions

The best Python environment to work

Matteo Possamai
Python in Plain English


Photo by Joris Beugels on Unsplash


Python, a widely adopted programming language, is known for its versatility and vast range of applications.

However, due to its nuanced nature, developers often face challenges in optimizing their productivity while coding in Python. Fortunately, there are several powerful Visual Studio Code (VS Code) extensions available that can help streamline your workflow, enhance code quality, and boost productivity.

In this article, we will explore seven of the most popular VS Code extensions that can skyrocket your productivity in Python development.

Python (Microsoft):

The Python extension by Microsoft is an essential tool for any Python developer. It offers a rich set of features, including code linting, IntelliSense, debugging, code formatting, and more. With its robust integration, the Python extension enables you to write clean, error-free code by providing real-time feedback, autocompletion, and code navigation.

Furthermore, it supports virtual environments and Jupyter Notebooks, allowing for seamless development and data exploration. To customize the extension, you can modify linting rules, select different Python interpreters, and configure debugging settings according to your preferences.

Pylance (Microsoft):

Built on top of the Python extension, Pylance is a powerful language server that offers enhanced language support and code analysis capabilities. Pylance provides faster type checking, autocompletion, signature help, and other intelligent features.

By leveraging the static type checking offered by tools like Pyright and Pyre, Pylance helps you catch errors and improve code quality. Customization options include configuring the type checking behavior, enabling or disabling specific features, and integrating with other linters and formatters.

Visual Studio IntelliCode (Microsoft):

Visual Studio IntelliCode is an AI-powered extension that assists developers by suggesting contextually relevant code completions. By analyzing patterns from thousands of open-source projects, IntelliCode provides intelligent suggestions based on the code you write.

It can significantly accelerate your coding speed and reduce the cognitive load of remembering complex syntax. IntelliCode also learns from your specific coding style and can be customized to prioritize suggestions based on your coding preferences.

GitLens — Git supercharged (Eric Amodio):

Version control is an essential aspect of modern software development, and Git is the most popular version control system. GitLens is a feature-rich extension that enhances the Git integration within VS Code. It provides valuable insights into your code’s history, including annotations, blame annotations, and code lens indicators.

With GitLens, you can effortlessly navigate through code changes, view commit details, and explore branches and tags. Customization options include configuring the visibility of annotations, code lens indicators, and integration with Git providers.

Docker (Microsoft):

Docker has revolutionized application deployment and development environments. The Docker extension for VS Code simplifies working with containers within your Python projects. It enables you to manage Docker containers, build images, and orchestrate containers for testing and deployment.

The extension provides an intuitive user interface to monitor container logs, manage volumes and networks, and even debug applications running in containers. Customization options include specifying container configuration, defining network connections, and managing image registries.

Jupyter (Microsoft):

Jupyter Notebooks are widely used for data exploration, prototyping, and documentation. The Jupyter extension in VS Code allows you to work seamlessly with Jupyter Notebooks within your Python projects. It provides an integrated notebook experience, enabling you to create, edit, and run notebooks without leaving the editor.

The extension supports features like interactive cells, inline visualizations, and notebook diffing. Additionally, you can customize the extension by configuring the kernel environment, setting up keybindings, and selecting different UI layouts.

Code Runner (Jun Han):

Code Runner is a handy extension that allows you to quickly execute code snippets from within the editor. It supports multiple programming languages, including Python.

With Code Runner, you can effortlessly run code selections or entire files with a single click. It provides a customizable execution environment and allows you to pass command-line arguments to your code. Code Runner is especially useful when experimenting with smaller code snippets or performing quick calculations without the need for a full-fledged terminal.


Python’s popularity as a programming language calls for tools that can enhance productivity and streamline the development process. The seven VS Code extensions discussed in this article provide a powerful arsenal to boost your coding efficiency.

From code linting and autocompletion to version control integration and container management, these extensions cover a wide range of essential functionalities.

By leveraging these extensions and customizing them to fit your preferences, you can take your Python development to new heights and make the most of your coding journey. So, go ahead, explore these extensions, and unlock your true coding potential!

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Computer science student, technology enthusiast, interested in backend services, software development and Open Source.