A Complete Beginner-Level Python Course to Learn Data Science and Machine Learning

Day 4: Map, Filter & File I/O

Muhammad Umair
Python in Plain English


It is the third day of our journey to Learn all the Python we need for Machine Learning and DataScience. All of my new code is linked to the previous code from the earlier parts of this series. You can find them below.

Day 04: Map, Filter & File I/O



The Python map() method is used to perform a function on every item in a list, dictionary, tuple, or set. The map() method accepts a function and an object to apply that the function will operate on. Python includes a built-in method of applying a specific function to all elements within an iterable object: map()


The map() function returns a map object (which is an iterator) of the results after applying the given function to each item of a given iterable (list, tuple, etc.). It is a function to which map passes each element of a given iterable.


The Python map() function is used to apply a function on all the elements of specified iterable and return map object. Python map object is an iterator, so we can iterate over its elements. We can also convert map objects to sequence objects such as lists, tuples, etc.


Advantages of map include the size property, an easy way to get the number of items on the map. With an Object, you would be on your own to figure out its size.


The map is a pretty awesome function that helps us a lot in applying the single function to the whole list. The weakness is the wrong way of using it like if you mistakenly give it the wrong function to apply on the list.

Example 01


use the map function to map the lambda function that find the length of the string onto the list of strings to find the length of each element string in the list


checkString='The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'words=checkString.split()print(words)lengths=map(lambda word:len(word),words)list(lengths)


['The', 'quick', 'brown', 'fox', 'jumps', 'over', 'the', 'lazy', 'dog'][3, 5, 5, 3, 5, 4, 3, 4, 3]

Example 02


map the lambda function that finds if the string is a palindrome and apply it onto the list


resultOfPalindrom=map(lambda word:checkPalindrom(word),words)list(resultOfPalindrom)


The is a palindrom
quick is a not palindrom
brown is a not palindrom
fox is a palindrom
jumps is a not palindrom
over is a not palindrom
the is a palindrom
lazy is a not palindrom
dog is a palindrom
[True, False, False, True, False, False, True, False, True]

Example 03


map the greetings function onto the list and print it


def greetings(student):print("Hy {studentName} you has got {studentCGPA} CGPA".format(studentName=student[0],studentCGPA=student[1]))return "Hy {studentName} you has got {studentCGPA} CGPA\n".format(studentName=student[0],studentCGPA=student[1])greetingsStudent=map(greetings,studentsResult)greetingsStudent=list(greetingsStudent)


Hy Muhammad Umair you has got 3.06 CGPA 
Hy Hamdad Ijaz you has got 2.8 CGPA
Hy Muhammad Abdullah Tahir you has got 2.7 CGPA



The filter() method constructs an iterator from elements of an iterable for which a function returns true. In simple words, the filter() method filters the given iterable with the help of a function that tests each element in the iterable to be true or not.


The filter() method filters the given sequence with the help of a function that tests each element in the sequence to be true or not.


The filter() function in Python is a built-in function that filters a given input sequence(an iterable) of data based on a function that generally returns either true or false for data elements of the input sequence


Filters methods belong to the category of feature selection methods that select features independently of the machine learning algorithm model. filter methods are that they are very fast.


the weakness of the filter function is that if we will give it the wrong condition to apply. It will take large time for a large amount of Data

Example 04


use the filter function to filter out the even numbers from the list of Fibonacci series


evenFib=filter(lambda x:x%2,fibList)list(evenFib)studentsResult


[1, 1, 3, 5, 13, 21, 55]
(('Muhammad Umair', 3.06), ('Hamdad Ijaz', 2.8), ('Muhammad Abdullah Tahir', 2.7))

Example 05


Use the filter function to filter out the students that have CGPA greater than 2 from the tuple using lambda functions


passStudetsList=filter(lambda student:student[1]>2,studentsResult)


[('Muhammad Umair', 3.06),  ('Hamdad Ijaz', 2.8),  ('Muhammad Abdullah Tahir', 2.7)]

File I/O


A file is some information or data which stays in the computer storage devices. … Python gives you easy ways to manipulate these files. Generally, we divide files into two categories, text file, and binary file. Text files are simple text whereas binary files contain binary data which is only readable by a computer.


Python file handling (a.k.a File I/O) is one of the essential topics for programmers and automation testers. It is required to work with files for either writing to a file or read data from it.

Also, if you are not already aware, I/O operations are the costliest operations where a program can stumble. Hence, you should be quite careful while implementing file handling for reporting or any other purpose. Optimizing a single file operation can help you produce a high-performing application or a robust solution for automated software testing.

Let’s take an example, say, you are going to create a big project in Python that contains a no. of workflows. Then, it’s inevitable for you not to create a log file. And you’ll also be doing both the read/write operations on the log file. Log files are a great tool to debug large programs. It’s always better to think about a scalable design from the beginning, as you won’t regret it later that you didn’t do it.


File handling is one of the most important parts of any language. Python language supports two types of files. The first one is a text file that store data in the form of text and is readable by humans and computers. The second one is a binary file that stores binary data and is readable by computer only.


Files are used to save the important data produced during the execution of the program. For example, you want to save the username after providing the user an input field to take his name and then to save it into the file to use later


The weakness of the files is that they contain important information if they get deleted all the information will lose and we can mistakenly overwrite the data that also create the data loss

Example 06


Use the input function to take input from user and store it into the variable and print it.


from six.moves import inputstring = input("Enter your name: ");print(string)


Enter your name:

Example 07


Create a text file and write something into it


fileOpen = open("Bio.txt", "w")for greetings in greetingsStudent:fileOpen.write(greetings);fileOpen.close()


The File has been created and the Data has been inserted in It.

Example 08


Create a text file and read something from it


fileOpen = open("Bio.txt", "r+")str = fileOpen.read();print (str)fileOpen.close()


Hy Muhammad Umair you has got 3.06 CGPA 
Hy Hamdad Ijaz you has got 2.8 CGPA
Hy Muhammad Abdullah Tahir you has got 2.7 CGPA


fo = open("Bio.txt", "r+")str = fo.read(10);print ("Read String is : \n", str)position = fo.tell();print ("Current file position : \n", position)position = fo.seek(11, 0);str = fo.read(10);print ("Again read String is : \n", str)# Close opend filefo.close()import osos.rename("Bio.txt", "StudentsGreetings.txt")


Read String is :   Hy Muhamma 
Current file position : 10
Again read String is : Umair you

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MERN Stack Developer | Software Engineer| Frontend & Backend Developer | Javascript, React JS, Express JS, Node JS, MongoDB, SQL, and Python