Logistic Regression: A Classifier With a Sense of Regression
Explaining logistic regression as a classifier derived from regression concept.

Logistic Regression
You may have heard about the linear regression, given the features on datasets, you could predict the output labels using a linear regression derived from this linear equation

Yi=the predicted label for the ith sample
Xij=the jth features for the ith-label
W0=the regression intercept or weight
Wj=the jth feature regression weight
The predicted labels are continuous numbers.
Logistic Regression is a supervised classifier of machine learning. In a classification problem, the prediction label can take only discrete values for a given set of features. Although commonly known as a classifier, Logistic Regression is a regression model
Just like Linear regression assumes that the data follows a linear equation in Equation 1. In Logistic Regression, the data follow the sigmoid function.

Some important properties of sigmoid function f(z) :
- f(z) is close to 0 when z → -∞
- f(z) is close to 1 when z → +∞
- f(z) equal to 1/2 when z=0 (the threshold)
Thus, the sigmoid function has 0 for the lower bound and 1 for the upper bound. Based on these properties, we compute the probability of a predicted label between an interval of 0 and 1. So if a computed probability of a label is greater than a threshold number, then it belonged to some class or category, otherwise, if it's less than the threshold number, it belongs to another class.
Hypothesis Function
In the case of logistic regression, we want our output as a probability bound to intervals of 0 and 1, and the input is in range(−∞,∞).
To transform the scale of the input into a probability between 0 and 1, we apply a mapping function. For the logistic regression model, this mapping function is the logit function. The logit function maps probabilities from the range (0,1) to the entire real number range (−∞,∞). It is written as

Where y (hat) =the probability of the output
Supposedly, we have a set of input ranges (−∞,∞) in the form of linear equations:

With the right-hand side equation being the matrix form. The logit function η can be written as:

W = weight matrix of j features
X = features matrix of i labels
Y = predicted labels matrix of i samples
Now we have a function to maps the probability of the output to the entire input. Interestingly, if we take the inverse of the logit function


We get the Sigmoid Function as the hypothesis function of Logistic Regression.
Cost Function
We already learnt about cost function J(w) for linear regression in the form of

By applying the Gradient Descent we could get the optimum values of the weights w.

For Logistic Regression, if we use the cost function of linear equation, we would end up in non-convex function with many local minimum. It would be difficult to minimize the cost function and reach the optimum weight.

To define the cost function for Logistic Regression, let's assume that our hypothesis equation in Logistic Regression is the conditional probability of finding the output label between 0 and 1. Given the feature x, weight w, and known label y of i-th observation, we define probability P as:

In general, the Probability P can be expressed using binomial distribution with n=1:

Practically, we already got features x and known label y from the datasets, in order to maximize the probability of P, we need to choose the optimum weight to maximize the Likelihood of the predicted label. Likelihood define as

for easier calculation, let's rewrite Likelihood Function in logarithmic form log(L(w)=(l(w)), commonly known as Log-Likelihood

Now, you might be guessing if the Log-Likelihood function is the cost function for Logistic Regression? well, it could be it. But, our goals are to apply Gradient Descent to the cost function, the shape of the curve of the Log-Likelihood is a bell-like shape, it’s increasing toward maximum value. on the contrary, the Gradient Descent iteratively finds the minimum of the curve, like a quadratic function. So we have to invert the Log-Likelihood. The inverted Log-Likelihood is also called Cross-Entropy. Therefore, our cost function is written as a function of Cross-Entropy.

Gradient Descent
We are going to run Gradient Descent in a similar way like we already did for linear regression. It involves the gradient of the cost function and learning rate. The step to update the weights given by

The main different is the gradient of the cost functions, because we are using the Cross-Entropy as the cost function. We will not get into the detail of how to derive the gradient of the cost functions. Here are the gradient of the cost function.

Using the matrix form:

Then, the steps to update weight:

Where α is the learning rate.
Next, we will build the Logistic Regression using Python.
Recall the model we wrote for the Multiple Linear Regression.
We’re going to modify the code, so it will work for Logistic Regression cases. First, change the class name to LogisticRegression
We will be using the Sigmoid function as the hypothesis, let's define the method:
Modify the iteration in the fit method by following these steps:
- For iteration 1 until n (the class iters property)
- Compute the predicted labels matrix using Equation 7
- Compute the gradient of the cost function using Equation 16
- Update the weight matrix using Equation 17
Finally, modify the predict method by adding threshold argument. This will be used to get the category of the predicted labels. The steps are:
- Calculate the predicted labels using equation 7
- If the predicted labels > threshold return 1, otherwise is 0
This is the complete code of the model.
Let's test the model. We are going to use the breast cancer Wisconsin dataset. This dataset contains measurements of breast tissue. The goal is to determine whether a tumor is benign (harmless ) or malignant (that is dangerous, this is cancer). The Benign class is encoded as 1, otherwise the malignant class is encoded as 0. As the data comes with Scikit-learn, we can load it directly from the library. After the dataset been loaded, split the dataset into train and test datasets.
Now, let’s predict the labels:
To find out the accuracy of the predictions, use the built-in accuracy_score
from Scikit-learn:
The output is:
The accuracy score produced the number around 0.93. This is quite good.
In this article, we have learned:
- The Logistic Regression as a machine learning classifier algorithm, derived from the concept of Regression.
- Deriving the cost function for Logistic Regression by utilizing the Cross-Entropy function
- Implementing the Gradient Descent on Logistic Regression.
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