Constructing SQL Queries With Python

Rajan Sahu
Python in Plain English
3 min readDec 12, 2023


The ability to quickly and easily write SQL queries is a crucial part of database interaction in Python development. Creating intricate and comprehensible SQL queries is made easier with Pypika, a robust and user-friendly Python package. In this blog article, we’ll go over the fundamentals of Pypika, examine a few typical use cases, and evaluate its features using concrete examples.

Introduction to Pypika

Pypika is a Python library designed to generate SQL queries dynamically. Its primary objective is to simplify the process of building complex queries without sacrificing readability. It provides a fluent API that allows users to create SQL queries in a Pythonic manner, using method chaining and expressive syntax.


To get started, install Pypika using pip:

pip install pypika

Basic Query Construction

Let’s start with a simple example to showcase how Pypika can be used to create basic SQL queries:

  1. Select All Columns from a Table:
from pypika import Query, Table

query = Query.from_('users').select('*')

## Output
>> SELECT * FROM "users";

2. Select Specific Columns:

from pypika import Query, Table

query = Query.from_('users').select('id', 'name', 'age', 'salary')

# Output

>> SELECT "id","name","age","salary" FROM "users"

3. Insert Query

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define a table
users = Table('users')

# Construct an INSERT query
query = Query.into(users).columns('name', 'age','salary').insert('Alice', 30, 10000)

# Output the generated query

>> INSERT INTO "users" ("name","age","salary") VALUES ('Alice',30,10000)

4. Updates Queries

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define a table
users = Table('users')

# Construct an UPDATE query
query = Query.update(users).set(users.age, 32).where( == 'Alice')

# Output the generated query

>> UPDATE "users" SET "age"=32 WHERE "name"='Alice'

5. Delete Query

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define a table
users = Table('users')

# Construct a DELETE query
query = Query.from_(users).where(users.age < 30).delete()

# Output the generated query

>> DELETE FROM "users" WHERE "age"<30

6. Subqueries

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define tables
orders = Table(‘orders’)
customers = Table(‘customers’)

# Construct a subquery
subquery = Query.from_(orders).select(‘SUM(amount)’).where(orders.customer_id ==

# Main query using the subquery
query = Query.from_(customers).select(, subquery).where(subquery > 1000)

# Output the generated query

>> SELECT "name",(SELECT "orders"."SUM(amount)" FROM "orders" WHERE "orders"."customer_id"="customers"."id") FROM "customers" WHERE (SELECT "orders"."SUM(amount)" FROM "orders" WHERE "orders"."customer_id"="customers"."id")>1000

7. Functions and Aliasing

from pypika import Query, Table, functions as fn

# Define tables
products = Table(‘products’)

# Construct a query with functions and aliasing
query = Query.from_(products).select(fn.Count(‘*’).as_(‘total_products’))

# Output the generated query

>> SELECT COUNT(*) "total_products" FROM "products"

8. Case queries

from pypika import Query, Table, Case

# Define a table
students = Table('students')

# Construct a query with a CASE statement
query = Query.from_(students).select(,
.when(students.score > 90, 'A')
.when(students.score > 80, 'B')


>> SELECT "name",CASE WHEN "score">90 THEN 'A' WHEN "score">80 THEN 'B' ELSE 'C' END "grade" FROM "students"

9. Ordering and Limiting

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define a table
products = Table('products')

# Construct a query with ordering and limiting
query = Query.from_(products).select('name', 'price').orderby('price').limit(10)

# Output the generated query

>> SELECT "name","price" FROM "products" ORDER BY "price" LIMIT 10

10. Union Queries

from pypika import Query, Table

# Define tables
table1 = Table('table1')
table2 = Table('table2')

# Construct a query with UNION
query = Query.from_(table1).select('*').union(Query.from_(table2).select('*'))

# Output the generated query

>> (SELECT * FROM "table1") UNION (SELECT * FROM "table2")

For more advanced queries check out the official documentation of Pypika. And I am also going to write advance for that star the GitHub repository.


Thank you for reading. If you find something wrong or better ways to do it, let me know in the comments below.

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Backend and Data Engineer by Day; Teacher, Friend and Content-Writer by night.